The complete English language experience
About Us
EGA International is part of EGA Group, which consists of various companies in Ireland and Spain. Besides Ireland, we have branches of English Schools in Madrid, Toledo, Valencia and Andalusia.
EGA Group, with more than 30 years of experience has a pretigious name in the areas of teaching English and developing, organising and performing our own immersion programmes in countries like Ireland, UK, USA,…
Over the years and because of interests and hobbies of the students are changing due to modern life, EGA Group and it international branch, EGA International, have been adapting and modifying their programmes in order to fulfill the requests of the families and students.
For the last 30 years EGA International has brought abroad more than 7,000 thousand people to learn English from various countries around the world (Spain, Russia, Poland, Portugal, Germany, Italy,…) and not individual students but also families, schools, companies,…

EGA International is the leading language provider in the Kerry area and for more than 30 years we have been focused on offering integral solutions in the world of English.

Our main objective is to provide our students a complete linguistic experience in the learning of English.
We adapt our services to customer needs, so our programmes can be completely personalised.
We guarantee a service of outstanding quality, excellent individual client care and overall notable results.
Numerous prestigious public and private institutions recognise us as an important partner that provides invaluable input to their services.
Our Administration staff is truly professional and supportive at all times. Their objective is to create a welcoming and friendly environment for all our students.